About Octave Photonics
The Frontier of Integrated Photonics
Octave Photonics was founded in 2019 with the mission of providing
ready-to-use devices based on nonlinear photonics.
We’re moving science and technology forward with a focus on nanoscale devices for:
supercontinuum generation
low-power frequency combs
atomic clocks
high bandwidth communications
satellite subsystems
Octave Photonics maintains close collaboration with universities, national labs, and companies around the world, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Colorado.
Octave Photonics is actively involved in cutting-edge research and has received grant funding from several agencies, including NASA, DARPA, and the Office of Naval Research.

Octave Photonics Leadership Team
The Octave Photonics team has broad expertise in lasers, nonlinear optics, nanophotonics, atomic physics, and lithography techniques.
Octave Photonics has received numerous grants and awards, including:
Winner of the 2019 Lab Venture Challenge competition at the University of Colorado
2019 DARPA grant co-awardee: Laser for Universal Microscale Optical Systems (LUMOS)
2021 Office of Naval Research grant co-awardee: Compact Rubidium Optical Clock (CROC)
2021 NASA Phase II SBIR recipient: Supercontinuum Waveguides for Extreme Radial Velocity Instrumentation (SWERVI)
2022 NASA Phase I SBIR recipient: Kerr-soliton On-chip Microcomb with Optimized Dispersion for Octave-spanning Output (KOMODO)
Winner of the inaugural Bernard J. Couillaud Prize by Coherent and The Optical Society of America (D. Carlson, 2019)
A key member of the team winning the 2020 Paul F. Forman Award for Team Engineering Excellence sponsored by The Optical Society of America (Z. Newman)
Octave Photonics is a steadily growing business, and we are regularly searching for exceptional individuals with relevant experience. We post specific job openings on our LinkedIn page. If you think you would be a good fit to join the Octave Team, please get in touch.

Octave Photonics: Nonlinear Integrated Photonics
Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.
Follow us on Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/octavephotonics